Recap of a Year of Challenges

This year had so many exciting challenges, met incredible people, reconnected with old friends, and constantly putting myself in my un”comfort” zone. I started an appreciation diary, this year where several times a week I wrote down what I am grateful for. Initially it was focused on things that I had… but eventually it became all the small interactions with

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Leaving Timor after Gone Cyclin’ first project Tour de Timor; the race, the history, the intensity of the experience left me quite in “awe” of a beautiful country and its people. I sat at the airport enjoying the freshly baked turkish bread and prata, looking at the small crowded-infested airport thinking that it would be a long time before I

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Power of women

Before writing this post I asked my eighteen year old twins cousin, to define the role of a women, one of them said they are powerful persuaders and the other mentioned that they are their to make him sandwiches. There is no right or wrong answer but it just goes to show there are so many ways that women are

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Slow and Steady wins the race: Running my first 21 km

Some of you may be are familiar with the story of the tortoise and the hare, but for those who don’t its about a tortoise who challenges a hare to the race. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know who is faster and more likely to win. The hare was in the lead, but instead of finishing he took

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