Celebrating a year of Awesomeness

I am not the biggest fan of throwing a party because I constantly change my mind and don’t expect people to show up. Surprisingly yesterday was one of the most random nights and fabulous nights

1. Re-organizing my room
2. Picnic at the Esplanade
3. Sharifah and Carol groupies at the esplanade
4. Jaywalking
5. Picking up a jazz singer/celebrity Jillian and having her sing “Fly me to the moon”
6. Going to the Swissotel for singapore view
7. Giving away flowers to people for an awesome week ahead
8. Kissed by a stranger
9. Lying on the zebra crossing
10. Hugging a tree
11. Posing with upgrade your skills posters
12. Walk like an Egyptian
13. Jumping on the SAM museum statue
14. “Kissing” at the flirting point
15. Rochor Beancurd
16. Walking barefoot
17. Shome the ‘sexy’ lady
18. Sang Hockey Pockie in front of the President’s house
19. Ran through a red light
20. Watched the early morning traffic from the ‘devils’ highway
21. Lied down and watch the stars from over the highway
22. Walked non-stop for four hours
23. Shared embarrassing moments with strangers
24. Jungle Trekking at 4 am
25. Hill trekking in the dark with Sharifah wearing stelatos. RESPECT

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