71 Perspectives on Why Fear is Awesome!

My heart stopped!

I am afraid of heights, what was I doing on a small plane getting ready to jump 4000 ft from the ground. Did my heart really stop? Or was it beating so fast that it made me numb?

You see, I am actually a coward of many things. Heights scare me, snakes scare me, speaking scares me, rejection scares me, running my own business scares me, moving to a new country scares me. But everyone thinks I am BRAVE because I have done a lot of those things.

But why am I brave?

I live my life in fear… How does that make me brave?

Is choosing to live the untraveled road brave, could it just be stupidity? I believe that we are all here for a reason, and our purpose is to find peace.

I push myself to get uncomfortable! I enable women to get uncomfortable, to quit jobs, start business, move up in their career to become who they are meant to!

If I don’t do it myself, what good am I?

This post was a search experience for me, because I wanted to dive deeper in my new mantra for 2014.I wanted to learn from the best, so I invited amazing women (and some men) from comedians, coaches, writers, teaches, dancers, corporate directors and CEOs to share their perspective of why fear is awesome!

If you know someone who is afraid of doing someone they know they should, share it with them!
I hope this inspires you as much as it has for me to compile it!

domestic_violenceFear is the dark that shows us the light.
Fear wakes us up if we are sleeping.
Fear makes us push our boundaries far and beyond.
F is for Feel, E is for erase, A is for awaken, R is for radiate.
Fear is not our enemy but a friend.

– Nicola Green @Intuitivenicola

Sara Casual CloseupFear is awesome! Fear of taking any next step in your career is a sure sign that you’re doing something daring.

You’re stepping out of your comfort zone, taking risks, and trying to do better, be better, or get better. Fear is our mind telling us that we’re headed into uncharted territory, and when it comes to your career or business, it’s these moments that get us to the next level.”
Sara Sutton, CEO/Founder of FlexJobs

It’s awesome because it holds a powerful wisdom: the more I feel the fear means that I yearn for that fearful experience from my very core.

I felt it when I quit my highly paid corporate work to live the life and work and love! image

I felt it when I was terrified of speaking publicly and knew that was the only way to spread my message.

I felt it when I met my soul mate and knew that was the only way I would experience a deeper sense of love.

Fear is an invitation. It’s an internal compass. A doorway to experience parts of ourselves that are dying to be fully expressed.~  Cherine Kurdi @cherinekurdi




Without fear we wouldn’t know joy, love, happiness and our purpose. By allowing our fear to come through we can discover the true gems of ourselves and we do this by becoming BFFs with fear!!  ~ Nina  @TheEmotionista



When you stare your biggest dreams directly in the face, fear will tanner_background-2-187x300naturally arise. This fear reminds us that we are alive and we are going in the right direction. If there is no fear in your dreams, then you aren’t dreaming big enough. Fear is your GPS for life. Follow the fear and follow your dreams! ~ Tanner Kennedy  @Coach_Tanner_K



Fear shows us where we are stepping out of our comfort zone, which is exactly where we need to be in order to grow.

Fear also gets your adrenaline going, which we can channel as extra energy to go the distance. ~ Lynn Daue @lynndaue

IMG_3378FXsmall Fear = fuel. Fear is the “what if” – the “maybe it’s possible” and the “I dare you” all wrapped up into one. Nothing I’ve ever really wanted in life has been achieved from just sliding into home. It’s always been a risk, always been a possibility of failure.

Even personally. Love, being a parent, there was huge doubt for me that it was even possible to succeed in those arenas, much less doing a job or having a career that I was in love with – all of that was risky and still is. But if I wasn’t a little afraid, I probably wouldn’t bother. The fear makes me less lazy, keeps me on my toes and being my best. Because having it all at stake – that’s what great movies are made of right? And I want the life I’m living to be the best version it can be.~ Jessica Kupferman @jesskupferman

I wrote a Blog on this and it stemmed from the quote in the Move “After Earth” “Fear is not real. The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future. It is a product of our imagination, causing us to fear things that do not at present and may not ever exist. That is near insanity. Do not misunderstand me danger is very real but fear is a choice.” Will Smith.

I look at fear as a hyperlink to what i need to avoid….If I am afraid of something it usually means there is a very high reward, which is why my mind is showing me the risks so i can avoid them. Fear rocks because it shows us what to avoid. LB Dutchess@YourDutchess



Fear is the guiding force that tells me if I am on the right track. If I can feel the resistance, the uh oh this might be big then it’s a go. Whenever I feel stuck in the fear paralysis, I know I need to feel it in my body and then focus on taking actions, be present and remind myself I am safe, smart and courageous. ~ Laura Yamin @lryamin


Fear is something we can’t live without, so embrace it!

If you commit to living courageous, you’ll create nothing less than an extraordinary life! ~ Noelle Notals


Fear pushes you to do more. To test the waters to see how far you can go.
Fear keeps you on your toes and awake to feel everything that moves around you.
Use fear as fuel to propel~ Priyanka @AkashicFlame


Fear can be a huge motivator, especially for writers. Don’t fear your goals – fear not attempting them. ~  Kathy Wheeler  @Kathleen_books


Fear shows us what is precious to us, and what we love determines who we are.croppedheadshot

Fear is like smoke signals, if we follow it to it’s source, we discover the “fire” of who we really are. ~ Hannah

Fear guides you to the edge of your comfort zone and gives you the opportunity to step beyond it and into a place of more power and strength than you ever imagined possible. – Xandra  @WombtoWorld


Fear points us to our life’s purpose, don’t run from it face it head on! ~ Teri Smart  @teri_smart


The opposite of fear is love. If we use the Love to conquer the prof-picFear, we can use both to stair step up to our Highest Selves to be, do and have all our desires. ~ Lexis Johnson   @LexisJohnson



Fear when met with courage and ridiculously stupid wonderful bravery is actually what we need to stretch us from our comfort zones into success, to take us from good to great and from mediocrity to mastery. ~ Sara  @thedailyjuicetv


The bigger the fear, the bigger the opportunity. When you feel fear it is a sure sign something extraordinary is on the horizon! Diane Taylor @glowleadership


When you give fear the attention it needs it’s more than willing to step aside so that you can go on your way to leading an extraordinary life! – Sonia


Fear is one of our greatest teachers – it shows us where we’re resisting something that our Soul desires for growth and expansion.As we face and learn to love our fears, we stretch ourselves further and further towards the extraordinary beings that we are, in every way. Fear is also beautiful in that it is universal – it allows us to feel vulnerable, which connects us more deeply with others in our lives. ~ Jenny Griffen @catharsiscoach


If you are dreaming bigger than where you are living right now, then you are going to be afraid. And fear is good, it brings stuff up and propels you forward! –Sheryn Kelderhouse @sherynkelderhou

Fear shows you so much. It shows you want you want, what you don’t nathalie-blogwant, and what is holding you back. It’s like a gateway, and stepping into the fear is a way of instantly seeing what’s on the other side.

If you don’t fear anything, then you probably don’t have any sign that we’re growing and expanding. But there are ways to trust your own inner knowing so that fear isn’t as loud for you, and that takes the edge off… as you’re about to step off that ledge and leap into
the unknown. ~ Nathalie @NathLussier



Fear is the opposite of “Love” and when we understand that…Extraordinary things begin to happen. Knowledge is power! Fear teaches us that we can do anything we put our mind to. It challenges us to be the best we can be!

Lisa @leokittykat


Successful people are courageous. We feel the fear, push the boundaries, face obstacles, challenge the status quo, refuse to give up, because we consciously choose to move forward and envision a brighter future for ourselves and create a better world for us all. ~ Sally Holmes Reed  @SallyHolmesReed


It is natural to fear. It is extraordinary to learn to embrace fear, learn from it, and share our lessons about it.~ E Bisuskyoto @ebisuskyoto


Fear is an essential element to pushing forward in life. It’s the ultimate indicator of what we need to work on and move toward in order to become our best selves. Fear guides us into the unknown where we can challenge ourselves and learn about ourselves so that we can live to our full potentials. Experiencing fear and learning to use it as a means to achieve our most authentic, satisfying lives is a gift. When we treat it as such, shit gets amazing. Life gets extraordinary. ~ Christine Blubaugh  @chrisblubaugh




Fear is the catalyst for taking control of our lives and making our own happiness. When you challenge yourself and face what you fear, you grow mentally and physically. Fear is a constant reminder that there is more to life and that sometimes we need to overcome some discomfort, anxiety, and pain to open our world to new possibilities and opportunities. ~ Cara  @cmurphs12


Fear is the mind’s way of indicating discomfort or unease. If channelled correctly, it allows ordinary people to achieve extraordinary things! By embracing fear, you take yourself out of your comfort zone and ultimately push the boundaries that develop unlimited capacity for greatness. A truly powerful force in leading an extraordinary life! ~ Fasih FasihQ


briellaFear is an amazing adventure that leads us to becoming who we were meant to be. When we leave the state of fear we gain clarity, confidence, passion and feel energized, radiant, and fulfilled. This is one of the largest reasons why facing your fear, demolishing your limiting beliefs, and transforming your mindset is key to living an extraordinary life. ~ Melissa Krivachek, Founder of Briella Arion  @Briellaarion

I think there are so many definitions of fear that if we just tell someone Fear is awesome, they are going to flip inside out. We can see fear as negative. So when we say fear based thinking and feeling, it means that these thoughts and feelings stem from negativity and in truth one cannot lead an extraordinary life if one is stuck in fear.

However from another perspective, we can see that fear is actually smallness in body, mind and spirit. But with the right mindset, we can see that it is an opportunity to overcome the smallness within self, then one can start to lead an extraordinary life. ~ Shamala  @shamala_tan


Fear and excitement can feel very similar. Stepping into fear is so empowering. It unlocks primal energy you never knew you had. Harness it, and you are able to use it as creative fuel. Anne   @theindielovely


Fear is a nervousness, a natural part of wondering about the unknown,samtyers if making a change, doing things differently will work out. By embracing fear we can choose a different way, challenge norms and create an inspiring life we really want to live. ~ Sam  @samtyers


At first, fear gets my heart pounding so it produces excitement; this gives me a heightened awareness and alertness. Then a decision needs to be made soon (sometimes very soon) then the fear spurs me to action, often something I’ve never done before.
~ Eclectic Directions  @mnkygrl7


1. It pushes you to the limits you never thought possible.
2. It forces you to see yourself in a whole new light and uncover aspects of you that were suppressed.
3. It gets the adrenaline going and allows you to think creatively and innovatively to get out of a situation or even get into a situation that will propel you even further in your business or life. ~ Corine  @authorasst


I do my BEST work when I teeter on the edge of discomfort.   Fear is very freeing and GREAT for business.~ Erika Lyremark @dailywhip


Fear of public speaking is what started me on my life changing career. It took me 30 years to overcome my fear – I create confident communicators so that they don’t miss out on opportunities. Every time I get up to speak at a conference, seminar or do a training workshop I am using my fear to be great to have the charisma to show others how to use their fears effectively – and I love it! ~ Trish @TrishatTrischel


Because it allows you to step out of the comfort zone and make your dreams come true. ~ Ana Goncalves  @TruAnaGoncalves



If you don’t push yourself out of your comfort zone, you’ll never feel comfort on your own! ~ Laurel Grey @happilyo


Fear is awesome because it makes you think critically about your limits, it focuses you on the reality of difficult feedback and the nature of your reputation, and often lends clarity to what it is you truly value. ~ Dr. Michael Provitera, Motivational Leadership Training  @fuel4leaders

With every fear I have enabled myself a new weapon to fight any battle making it my choice to win or lose. Accepting failure brings a peace and self adjustment that in turn affects life positively than struggling to beat the unbeatable. Without fear how do we keep striving to achieve and be the best we can? ~ Saloni @salonirathor


Fear is our body’s way of telling us that we are stepping out of our known reality into the unknown towards the infinite possibilities that await us.  Just as there is no up without down, no light without dark, there is no extraordinary life without facing the fears that hold you from it. ~ Carmen Jackson  @CarmJackson



Fear is only an indication that you are doing something bigger, outside of your comfort zone. It is natural t be a little afraid, but don’t let fear limit your vision.~ Elle Kaplan, CEO and Founding Partner of Lexion Capital Management  @ ellekaplan


Fear is awesome because it energizes you to move ! You are too scared to sit still with your talent and too scare to move! So you put one foot in front of the other, open your mouth and move your pen and before you know it, you are working with a customer! And then you breath a sigh of relief and get scared all over again! ~ Debra Ann Matthews, Founder @Letmewriteit4u


Fear IS awesome…Fear means that you’re expanding out of your comfort zone, doing things you’ve never done before. You’re learning, growing, and taking the steps to develop experiences that you haven’t had before. Sure the unknown is scary. But the never-known is way more limiting.. I think fear really only exists because people believe they can’t handle whatever outcome happens. Once you get past that mindset, obstacles become adventures worth navigating. Like a game: “Ok, how do I figure this out?” ~ Bethany Mooradian, Founder



Blanca-Cobb-body-language-expert-headshotFear is an illusion you create, which is meant to hold you back.

Once you understand that fear is nothing more than physical sensations of uncertainty, you’ll conquer your possibilities.” – Blanca Cobb @blancacobb


When you overcome fear, you’re basically overcoming the universal question underlying all fears – can I be at terms with myself if I do this? Chances are we do what we “fear” when we the answer to that question is a resounding yes. ~ Natasha @jnatsalleh


I relocated to learn a new language for 5 months and it scared me so I didn’t make my decision until three weeks before classes started. Hard is an underestimate. I was so afraid, I would walk around the city crying ALL the time
But when I released my fear of being alone, away from my family and first and foremost Alone with myself (!) – something lifted. My fear has always brought me somewhere good when I’ve decided to go through the fear. ~ Lina Sanden  @lizzielina



Fear, like any other emotion, is neither good nor bad. It merely provides information that needs to be acted upon. Once I recognize the cause of the fear, I can acknowledge that it helps me grow as a person and to act with courage despite fear. ~ Bhavani Prakash  @greencollarasia


Fear is a reminder to you that you are doing something right, that you are exploring the possibilities of yourself in this world. The irony is that the feeling of fear is like a gentle tap on a shoulder this world is giving you and saying: “You can make it pal”. The rest is up to you. ~ Maria  @mariakuvshinova


Fear is about perspective. Instead of lying under your bed in a fetal position, RUN! Set incremental goals, achieve them, don’t waste time. Let’s make 2014 the best year ever and tell Fear to SUCK IT! ~ M. Chadwick  @mchadwick1


When we are born we only fear two things: the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises, everything else is learned. The presence of fear is amazing as it signifies risk-taking and not being satisfied with the status quo. Fear is a symbol of overcoming obstacles, fulfilling one’s goals, and slamming the door on insecurity. Fear is not something to be anxious about, rather something to appreciate as it shows just how motivated you are to make a change, even it is just with yourself. ~ Katelyn McCullough  @thePortfolium




Fear is a double-edged sword; it both serves us and stumps us. Fear can be “awesome” in that it is the emotion that, when applied correctly, provides a bit of balance in our decision making. Too much fear keeps us from approaching key contacts, submitting that article or posting that video. Too little fear and we become steamrollers pushing our ideas ahead without regard for the risk/reward ratio or the ideas and input of others.~ Karen @askkaren


Embrace your fear head on and manifest the necessary courage to move forward. ~Dr. Michael Provitera, Motivational Leadership Training @Docprov

Fear is only an indication that you are doing something bigger, outside of your comfort zone. It is natural to be a little afraid, but don’t let fear limit your vision. ~ E. Kaplan @ellekaplan


Some people cower in the face of their fears, but fear can actually be a great motivator. If you feel like you haven’t gotten to where you want to be, that should drive you to explore, to research, and to ask a lot of great questions. The best way to learn is through doing something, and doing it again. If you’re too afraid to begin that quest, you’ll never get close to reaching your goals.  ~ DannyGroner   @DannyGroner


Fear is a great motivator! Feeling fear means you are at the edge of your comfort zone, and success comes from pushing beyond your comfort zone. Try re-framing your fear as excitement and keep going! ~  Laura  @JeanneBeatrice


Fear mixed with skill creates excitement. Anyone wanting to progress needs fear. Without fear your career would seem mundane.-http://www.employmentking.co.uk/


Fear feels just like excitement. Same clammy hands, same butterflies, same racing mind. That anticipation high is a total adrenaline rush, so when we reframe fear into excitement we can ride that wave to make magic happen. ~ Ayla Kramb


Fear rocks because it pushes you to move outside your self imposed boundaries.  ~Kerry Nieberding  @KerNieberding


I think fear really only exists because people believe they can’t handle whatever outcome happens. Once you get past that mindset, obstacles become adventures worth navigating. Like a game: “Ok, how do I figure this out?” ~ Bethany Mooradian



Fear is awesome! Fear of taking any next step in your career is a sure sign that you’re doing something daring. You’re stepping out of your comfort zone, taking risks, and trying to do better, be better, or get better. Fear is our mind telling us that we’re headed into uncharted territory, and when it comes to your career or business, it’s these moments that get us to the next level.~ Sara Sutton

badassFear pushes you to do more. To test the waters to see how far you can go. Fear keeps you on your toes and awake to feel everything that moves around you. Use fear as fuel to propel you forward, not as a fence to hold you back. ~ Tania Dakka  @TaniaDakka

Because this is when we are at the edge of an idea worth doing, at the crossroads of standing out, speaking up and making a difference. It is when we face fear, embrace it and know within that it is the right way (the only way) to go forward that we go onto having a life worth living. ~  Dr. Martha Lee   @drmarthalee


Fear shows you so much. It shows you want you want, what you don’t want, and what is holding you back. It’s like a gateway, and stepping into the fear is a way of instantly seeing what’s on the other side. If you don’t fear anything, then you probably don’t have anything which is really floating your boat right now. ~ Claire Stone  @claire_stone


Fear is humbling. It opens the door to constant modifying, clarifying and creating something better or …something that feels less fear inducing. Somehow during that process, growth occurs and change happens. In reflection, I look back and realize that I’ve not only worked through the fearful thing, but am well on my way to tackling the next fear. Humbled by fear, but with just of a bit more confidence to tackle the next challenge.~ Nudge Village  @nudgevillage


Fear stopped me from hiring a coach for a long time because “a coach shouldn’t need a coach” to step back and get clarity. I was so fearful that if I sought guidance it meant I “wasn’t good” enough to coach others despite knowing that EVERYONE can benefit from outside perspective and someone challenging them. I finally took the leap this year. Having a mastermind and accountability partner has helped me create my most successful year in business ever. If you do nothing else, find a person further down the path you are pursuing and tap into their brilliance. You won’t regret it!
Caylie Price



The butterflies – the fear – is what keeps me going. I channel that energy into my presentation, get the butterflies to fly in formation (as Helen Keller so nicely puts it), and share myself with my audience. Fear is my fuel. It keeps me honest and authentic. I couldn’t do my job without it. I wouldn’t want to! ~ Heather Hansen @heatherhansen


Fear Is Fantastic! The greatest thing one can do is take a risk, and face one’s fear! “Do what you fear, and the death of fear is certain.” For example, I was a senior engineer with Intel Corporation. My job was to travel the world with Chairman Andy Grove, doing technical demonstrations on stage at events, and I was incredibly nervous about speaking on stage. I took a comedy class to get over the fear, and the comedy kind of took off. ~ Comedian Dan @comediandan


When we understand fear, we begin to overcome it. When we overcome it, we have a sense of being awake, present, lucid, bright, alive. The aliveness of being awake allows us to know the true nature of our mind and act to do something true to ourselves. ~ Anne Mandler @AnneMandler

What are you most afraid of in 2014? What are you afraid of trying, doing, being?

Got a friend who needs to hear this, share it with them!

If you want to take a chance on yourself, the best way is to start by taking part in our 14 Day Free Fear Challenge.


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