Help me find my path

I have a special ability of always getting lost; many time it’s been eye opening experience to discover new places and meet new people. Several weeks ago while lost at the Botantical Gardens. I met a man who helped me find my path and shared with me the shock and struggle of getting cancer three months ago. For him, the

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New Year: Fresh Chapter

A poem I wrote to start the year “We open a book, the pages are empty, A new day, a new start, a new year, a fresh beginning, The sun ray’s but reminds us We have another chance to be what we want to be Every day we shall Not dwell but explore Not dream but create Not worry but

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Carl Jung once said “Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.” Yesterday, Pro-Action Café theme was dreams, and it seizes to fascinate me that nothing happens for a reason. As I wrote my five childhood dreams of: – Owning and sailing my own boat – Be a

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My friend’s sister nanny passed away this week, the nanny looked after her two nieces age 6 and 9. She got in touch asking if I knew how to break the news of how life endless journey inevitably ends. My perspective is a child reaction is very similar to an adult. The unavoidable is more difficult when no one speaks

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People say home is where your family belongs, as I sit on our coach that overlooks Cairo, the Nile and the pyramids and the only thought that comes to my mind is that, “the only thing constant is change.” Home to me is where you find peace. Returning to my roots; Cairo, a city in distress, diversity, and chaos; the

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Revolutionary Artists

George Orwell once said, “In the time of Universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” Three years on a crazy backpacking trip from Puerto Vallarta to Mexico City. Franky and I experienced Guadalajara. We didnt know anything about the city but were taken a back when we experienced Orozco. The video is nothing compared to the intense feelings

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Free Falling

This weekend, I attended a Muslim’s youth forum where one of the speakers spoke about how human beings struggles because they lack the A,B,C of being a human. Our Y generation is so focused on the material things, we have forgotten that as humans we need the spiritual and health components as well. With new fashion trends, gadgets such toys

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After embracing my new outlook of the traveling mindset. I realized that art lingers all around us, last week I watched a symphony and as always it is amazing to see how a composer can create such harmony out of so many instrument, and that made me think about an artist or a chief or a dancer who can create

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In the words of Jim Morrison “People are strange when you’re a stranger” I am finally moving out and its hit me that I have been here for 18 months. I didn’t realize where the time has went or how much I have missed my friends and family back in Cairo until this Ramadan. Its the one month in the

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A bedouin was asked “How can you endure the desert?” He answered, “What is there to endure when one has the earth for his mattress, the sky for his cover, the sun for his food and the wind to drink? By God, we followed in the tracks of people proceeding us by several stage. We were barefoot. The sun was

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