My 3 step process for getting predictable sales

My 3 step process for getting predictable sales

Have you ever wanted to understand how to get predictable results?

You know what I am talking about… results like hitting consistent 5k months or days..

Breaking the 6 or 7 figures but… not sure how it to make happen?

Maybe you’re wondering, why hasn’t it happened to me yet? When is it my turn?

Come on you have to admit it, this is not the first time you look at improving your sales process?

My guess is that maybe you have tried to wing it or signed up for program after program that promises you that you will build your empire through email marketing, ads, instagram, facebook group or whatever.

The problem is too many people are caught up in tactics and they don’t understand the bigger strategy.

Today I want to share with you my 3 Part Sales DNA

Everyone human has our own DNA.. And guess what? So does every business …

And that’s why some of the tactics that you might see or learn about may not be applicable in your own business because you don’t have that DNA or it doesn’t come naturally to you…

Now before we dive into the strategy… it’s important to realize that every business has some common traits:


For each offering you create there are three parts of the sales DNA

  • They all need to attract prospective buyers
  • They all need to convert their prospects into paying clients
  • They all need to retain clients through established systems that wow their clients and encourage them to buy again and become brand ambassadors recommending their friends and family.


Whether you like it or not, every business needs to capture details of prospects who want their problem solved. So once you have your irresistible offer, its about getting the word out and building your leads to get them on your database.

There is no lack of channels to get your leads from, you can use speaking, networking, partners, social media, advertising, facebook groups, live events,  etc..

Its important to realize that only a small portion of your leads will become customers right away while the rest will have to think about what they are really looking for.

That’s why, you need to have a way to nurture these leads so that they come to you when they are ready to buy and you do that by giving them a free value based offer to build their trust, like and know so that see that you are the right fit for what they are looking for.

Now for those who register for any of your free offers they are essentially putting their hand up and saying I have this problem and I want to know how your solution will help me solve it. Thats why you need to constantly educate prospects and maintain your prospect  interest until they are ready to buy.


To convert your prospect are ready to buy. You can introduce them to a sales meeting, live event and having the right follow up campaigns to convert them.

Most people spend alot of time attracting leads but not enough time closing the leads.

The secret is that you can close 50 to 80% of all sales during the follow up. Now a lot of times people hate sales and they have a misunderstanding of it. Thinking that it’s slimy, sleazy…

But sales is really just an act of service to help your prospects solve their problem.

And if you are not doing following up, and not doing any sales then you need to ask yourself do you really want to make it work.

If you don’t know to do it, you should definitely join us in our Free 10 Day Earn 5K Bootcamp.


Now most people think that converting a prospects to a client is the the hard part. But the real challenge is in delivering your solution to get the results you promised and keeping your clients happy.

This can be with your client care system whether its from the onboarding, offboarding to really create raving fans.

Now a lot of times most people end the sale there, but once a client has bought and you have provided an awesome experience it’s a wonderful opportunity to sell other complementary products or services to your customers.

Giving your clients an opportunity to become lifelong customers, become brand ambassadors and send referrals your way.

A Question to You:

So now you know the three parts for getting predictable sales, what is one key challenge you are struggling with at the moment?

4 thoughts on “My 3 step process for getting predictable sales

  1. These are great tips and things I definitely could put a little more work into, especially converting. My sales model is affiliate advertising and I’m not doing so well with it. Maybe I need to work more on “attract” with this business model. Anyways, great post, thank you for the tips.

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