Paris to India: Finding a State of Joy, Peace & Faith

I came to Paris in 1999. I was lost and life had thrashed me about more than enough. I had no self-confidence and I was afraid of the unknown, but I had my spirituality and a daily discipline of meditation. I believe that above all, these things and some loving friends helped me build myself little by little. At 40,

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GUEST POST: How Horse Riding Helped Me Overcome Fear

The first time I saw a horse, I must have been about 4 years old. My cousin and I had accompanied my grandfather on a walk down to the local school field where a herd of horses were grazing. He asked if we wanted to ride. He’d always told us stories of his horse riding days before cars came along

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71 Perspectives on Why Fear is Awesome!

My heart stopped! I am afraid of heights, what was I doing on a small plane getting ready to jump 4000 ft from the ground. Did my heart really stop? Or was it beating so fast that it made me numb? You see, I am actually a coward of many things. Heights scare me, snakes scare me, speaking scares me,

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