2014 Reflections: Every Road Leads to Rome














Hi All!
Happy New Year! I can’t believe this year marks the 9th year of me sending out my annual reflections. So much has changed and I have evolved from being the college student who just wanted to keep in touch with friends to a woman on the verge of starting a fearless revolution.

I know this year I am sending this a little bit later than usual, but looking back this past decade has been spectacular! The ups, the downs, the epic adventure, seeing one quarter of the world, working for amazing companies and people doing amazing projects. I have had the opportunity to reconnect with many of you all over the WORLD! And for that I am blessed.

I am now based in Singapore, so hit me up when you are in town or in Asia. I will also be in US, Costa Rica, Myanmar, Egypt, Indonesia and Mexico. So if you are located there, let me know would be awesome to reconnect.

So 2014, the history junkie in me was obsessing about the Roman Empire: especially the age old expression that “Every Road Leads to Rome”.

Last year I thought I knew what my Roman Empire was and I went out and built it. When I did, I realized it resembled nothing like the Rome or the life I wanted to live. I built the lifestyle business hopped on and off over 36 flights, spent nearly 6 months in 15 countries working with over 30 amazing clients. And I realized that I was miserable.

And I asked myself, Isn’t this everyone’s dream? Quit your job? Travel the World? Do the work that you love! How can this make me miserable?

And a big part of it was PERSPECTIVE. Because “Everything is right and Everything is wrong”, its just from which angle we are seeing it from. And I guess it all made sense when I caught up with my old friend Tamer in Dubai and he made me realize that our Empires, our ideal lives we want to live, evolves. And really the Romans did get it right, because every road really does lead to Rome. And our Rome is our ultimate place we all end up because everyone’s Rome is different.

Whether you are at a job you love or hate. It really depends on which lens you see it, or whether you are building a business and thriving on uncertainty or struggling with the uncertainty, it really just depends on the lens that you see it from.

For me I am not the lifestyle kind of girl. I am trailblazer who wants to lead a Fearless Revolution where people realize how awesome fear is. So as we embark on a 2015, I want to share with you four nuggets I have learnt this past year:

1. Time is Precious:

It is really what we make of it. So, dont underestimate how precious it is because each year contains 8,760 hours. And everyday we are bombarded by 30,000 messages. So make those hours count, spend time with people who inspire you, avoid ones who are negative and are not curious to dream. If you want to learn something, sign up for a class, go to a meetup, dont procrastinate there is no perfect moment. Well actually the perfect moment is now!

2. Love & Values:

This year I learnt alot from dating and as cliched as it sounds I learned the most important thing is to actually love yourself. So loving yourself is actually taking care of yourself, making the time to explore what you think your Rome would look like and if you don’t know, spend time and date lots of different people to find out what it actually is.

Dump the checklists because for lovers and friends its really about connecting with people who have the same values.

3. Fearlessness is a Muscle:

You got to work out and its all about doing small things that make you uncomfortable everyday. And its okay to be vulnerable. No one knows it all! Just be aware that fear holds us back and we need to decide what action we need to move forward. If you want to get started take part in my free 14 Day Fearless Challenge

4. Do Something:

I had hard time coming to terms with the fact that I didnt want what I had created and I felt a little uncomfortable realizing that I built something that was completely wrong for me. Maybe its the ego or maybe it was just pride of realizing that I was wrong, but its okay because we right until we are proven wrong. And depending on which angle we see ourselves from. We can be be right and wrong about the same thing at different times. And the key is to realize that ultimately every test leads us to Rome.

I don’t have much more to say, today, except… thank you.

Whether you’ve been receiving my annual emails for a very long time, or just last year, thank you for being part of my word.

Much Love and Respect

If you are building a service based business, you might enjoy taking my empire building quiz or join in my free 10 day Earn 5K bootcamp.

PS: This year I am using a new tool to send these emails from, so if by accident I have added your email to this list, just hit the unsubscribe button or hit reply and let me know. And you won’t receive my annual emails again.

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